Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Clinical Geneticist
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prisma Health, Columbia, SC
Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Dr Gregg is a clinical geneticist and perinatologist at Prisma Health in Columbia, South Carolina. He is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, maternal fetal medicine and clinical genetics. As Director, of Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) he leads a division of 5 physicians, 3 nurse practitioners and 13 sonographers who serve the population of 16 counties in the middle of the state. He has also held leadership roles at the University of Florida (Director, MFM and Obstetrics at Shands Hospital), and Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas (Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology). Dr Gregg is a Past Committee Chair of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Genetics. He was Clinical Chair of Florida’s Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review (PAMR) Committee and he co-chaired development of the Florida Hemorrhage Tool Kit. He served as Secretary-Treasurer and later President of the Perinatal Research Society. As President he ensured a lasting relationship with the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand. He served on the Board of Directors of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics for 6 years and was subsequently elected President. During his two-year term the paradigm of prenatal carrier screening became more relevant to marginalized people; the number of conditions recommended for screening in all populations now exceeds 100. The laboratory guidance applicable to the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis was clarified and screening now takes advantage of established databases. He currently serves the South Carolina Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Committee. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Menarini Silicon Biosystems (Bologna, Italy) a subsidiary company applying new technologies to the prenatal diagnosis space. Dr. Gregg has a broad interest in variables influencing entry of genetic and genomic technologies into clinical practice.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Screening for Autosomal Recessive and X-linked Conditions
Thursday, November 21, 2024
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM PST